Partner Introduction (Ireland): The Institute of Child Education and Psychology, Europe
The Institute of Child Education and Psychology, Europe (ICEP Europe) is the proud Irish partner on the Erasmus+ TRAINS research project. ICEP Europe is a leading training and research institution which uniquely combines a range of educational, clinical and research psychology and learning technology skills. Since 2001, ICEP Europe has established an excellent track record of developing translational crosscutting and interdisciplinary online university programmes and has long worked in partnership with established institutions to create programmes at undergraduate and post-graduate level. At a national level, the organisation has worked with various statutory agencies including the Department of Education and Skills and the National Council for Special Educational Needs (NCSE), as well as non-governmental organisations to build capacity of educators to deliver quality inclusive education in the 21st Century, thereby leaving the organisation well placed to contribute positively to a project such as TRAINS.
ICEP Europe also provides consultancy and research services and is currently involved in several large-scale national and pan-European research programmes and have established a strong network of partners which support its research activities. Research projects have included Project Iris, a national, longitudinal evaluation of the delivery of special needs education in Irish schools and the experiences, and inclusion needs, of pupils/students with special education needs and disability (SEND). ICEP Europe were also a key partner in iTIDE an Erasmus+ funded programme, which involved the development and delivery of inclusion training in intellectual disability which was targeted at educators. We are also currently involved in several funded Erasmus+ and Justice Programme projects and have collaborated with partners from over 14 European countries. Our areas of research expertise include: resilience building, inclusion, child and youth development, evidence-based practice and capacity development for educators and health and well- being and positive psychology.
Dr Deirdre MacIntyre (CPsychol, PhD) is a co-founder of ICEP Europe and member of the Psychological Society of Ireland (PSI) and the European Network for Positive Psychology, and will lead ICEP’s contributions to TRAINS. Before joining ICEP Europe, Deirdre was principal clinical psychologist in the Eastern Regional Health Authority. Deirdre is also the co-author of the Stay Safe Programme, a nationally implemented child protection programme. Among Deirdre’s special interests are inclusion, resilience and wellbeing and applied positive psychology. Deirdre lectures on special needs and psychology for ICEP Europe and teaches on collaborative programmes with Dublin City University, Leeds Beckett and the University of East London.
Stephen Smith currently occupies the role of Senior Research Officer at ICEP Europe, having joined the team in January 2017. He holds a BA (Hons) in Psychology and an MSc (Hons) in Health Psychology, both from the National University of Ireland, Galway. Stephen has presented research in the area of trauma-informed educational practice at national conferences and possesses a keen interest in the area of inclusive pedagogy and the promotion of the rights of marginalised and disadvantaged groups. Stephen has extensive experience in participating in a range of successfully implemented Erasmus+ research projects in the areas of capacity building and the promotion of resilience.