Partner Introduction – Leeds Beckett University

Carnegie School of Education are just one of the partners working on the TRAINS project over the next three years. The Carnegie School of Education at Leeds Beckett University seeks through all its activities to redefine the education and professional development of the children and young people’s workforce. They offer distinctive and creative undergraduate and postgraduate degrees that are responsive to the changes taking place in society, focusing on the diverse skills required of modern professionals. 

The School is committed to having a deep, beneficial impact within and beyond the education sector. All research undertaken within the school has a social justice focus with an emphasis on the research’s contribution to improving the lives of young people, the experiences of their families and the educational communities they are part of. Carnegie School of Education is proud to be involved in a wide range of international partnerships including the TRAINS project.

Carnegie School of Education is the lead organisation within the TRAINS project and is led by Dr Susan Atkinson. Susan is a Senior Lecturer in Carnegie School of Education with responsibility for Early Years programmes. Susan is a cognitive-developmental psychologist with research interests in transition to school, cognitive development in the early years, and factors affecting academic attainment through the school years and in students in HE. Susan led the previous Erasmus+ project, ITIDE, on behalf of Carnegie School of Education which aimed to foster inclusion for children and young people with complex needs through developing open access online training materials for educators and parents.

Dr Mhairi C Beaton is supporting Susan with the leadership of the TRAINS project on behalf of Carnegie School of Education. Mhairi is a Reader within the Carnegie School and has extensive experience of leading research projects funded by Scottish Government, the European Union and independent research funding bodies. Mhairi’s research interests lie at the interface of inclusion, teacher education and student voice.

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